Location recordings following a circular path, from the city of Beja to Guadiana river and back
One week artistic residency in the context of Futurama – Baixo Alentejo’s Cultural and Artistic Ecosystem.
Curated by John Romão, artistic director of Futurama.
Residency programmed by Luís Fernandes.
Support: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Beja.
Thanks: Vítor Alegria, Catarina Serraninho.
During this residency I developed an investigation of landscape changes through soundwalking, audio recording and photographing different locations in the city of Beja and the rural territories around, immersed in the multi-cultural, symbolic, natural and human qualities and diversities of Baixo Alentejo.
I was inspired by Beja’s still effervescent multi-cultural memory in its architecture, people and ways of living, and surprised by how extensive olive monoculture and water over consumption is producing dramatic changes in the landscape and biodiversity, reflecting on an overwhelming absence of animals and insects life sounds.
Composition of binaural recordings
Recorded with binaural technique, using DPA 4060 stereo omnidirectional microphones. Listen with headphones for an immersive experience.